Call Today! 210-735-2233 
For Your Free Initial Consultation. 

Attorney Helping Victims of Medical Malpractice

Patients rely on their doctors to provide accurate, appropriate care. When those patients are harmed at the hands of health care professionals because of the failure to act competently or due to negligence, there are steps to be taken. At the Law Offices of Janice Maloney in San Antonio, TX, our medical malpractice lawyer will review your claim. We’ll work to ascertain if there was a failure to diagnose correctly, if improper treatment was provided or if the health care professionals failed to warn of known risks. Your life might be put on hold if any of these situations took place. You’ll need the assistance of a lawyer to understand the best course of action.
doctor’s office

Pursuing Compensation for Damages Suffered

Sometimes doctors and health care professionals who are meant to provide quality treatment cause further harm instead. When this happens, a lawsuit may be the right way to get compensation for the harmful effects and to protect others from experiencing the same trauma. In San Antonio, medical malpractice has led to:
  • Physical pain
  • Mental anguish
  • Ongoing medical bills
  • Lost work and reduced earning capacity
If you have been injured and your medical bills are piling up while you are out of work, it can be hard to remain hopeful. These cases often affect families as well as individuals. We hope to help you stay focused on a positive future.

Helping Residents of San Antonio Seek Restitution

The professionals at the Law Offices of Janice Maloney have experience handling this type of case. We offer our services to the communities of San Antonio surrounding areas and South Texas.  Are you ready to move your case forward? We can also discuss the particulars of your nursing home neglect case. Call us today at 210-735-2233.
Law Offices of Janice Maloney
322 W. Woodlawn Ave. 
San Antonio, TX 78212

Phone: 210-735-2233 
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Appointments Available
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